Announcement by President Maurie

At its recent meeting the Board announced several significant payments. Your hard work at the Golf Day, at Camberwell Market, at Bunnings, and especially at the Grand Prix is enabling us to serve communities near and far.

·       The Club has allocated $5,000 to Servants Community Housing for the purchase of a new much-needed commercial oven. In the words of their CEO “We are in dire need of a new commercial gas oven.  It has served us well for 35 years but now has only two settings. On or Off. The paint has peeled off all of the dials and one of the oven doors has to be wedged shut with a piece of cardboard wrapped in foil. The same door springs shut suddenly and cooks have to be quick or they get their arm jammed in the door.” It’s terrific that RCNB is coming to the rescue.

·        We know that Australian Rotary Health is one of the most efficient users of funds raised and promotes crucial research especially in areas of mental health. We have been keen supporters of ARH for many years and Greg Ross was its recent Chair. In addition to an earlier contribution this year the Board agreed to further payments of $4,000 towards the ARH Danny Frawley PhD Scholarship fund, and $1,000 largely from your contributions to the silver-pot to the ARH indigenous scholarship fund.


·        The Rotary Foundation, long-regarded by members of this Club as the ‘engine room of Rotary’ is the recipient of additional contributions from us of $2,000 to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund and $2,000 to the Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Fund.

·        Two smaller donations were also made

o   $1,750 to the Tanzania Umoja Project whose project leader is David Winter (of Bread Street) who has been incredibly generous to this Club with catering supplies, and

o   $500 to support the D9800 DIK appeal seeking broader club support for the funding of containers at Donations in Kind – essential to so many Rotary projects.

At the same time your Board has ensured that the Club’s remaining finances are strong and that the Incoming Board will be well placed for 2022-23.
