The Men's Shed
After 6 years of concerted effort by the Men’s Shed Board the Shed was officially opened on 18 September 2017 by Boroondara Mayor Phillip Healy. Local member of federal parliament Josh Frydenberg also addressed the 70 plus attendees along with RCNB President Rob Head and Shed Chairman Tony Hart. The RCNB catering team provided a BBQ and refreshments after the opening including scones which were prepared in the new Shed’s oven. The day was an outstanding success and attracted excellent publicity in the local press etc.
In excess of $430,000 was expended to construct and fit out the Shed and it is a first class facility for the local community.
Since opening the Shed has proven popular and successful with membership currently at 80 and growing by the week. Interaction with other community groups including those working with the disabled, University of the Third Age, Probus Clubs, Council social workers etc is growing strongly. Membership is diverse and includes a recently arrived Chinese man with little English and a 90 year old who comes for a chat and to assist with light tasks.
The Shed is still in its “settling in” phase with equipment needs, programs, activities and O H & S requirements being bedded down.
Non Rotarian members are already the majority on the Shed’s Activities and O H & S Committees and it remains the Boards plan to start bringing non Rotarian Shed users onto the Board.
Further improvements to the rear of the Shed site are under discussion with Council with raised garden beds and a covered metal work area envisaged. Additional opening days will also be considered if membership continues to grow and demand exists.
The Men’s Shed Board are confident the Shed will continue to grow and prosper and remain a valuable asset for the North Balwyn Community.