It’s time to consider making a donation to the Rotary Foundation.
Your personal (tax deductible) contribution to the Foundation will be an immense support to its work on local and international projects.
To donate, go to, and follow the simple steps.
Why Contribute ?
The Foundation is Rotary’s International charity. Its Mission is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace. 
This is achieved through the Areas of Focus for projects that include Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Basic Education & Literacy, Maternal & Child Health, Supporting the Environment and Fighting disease.
The Foundation allocates around $100 million globally each year across these areas, mainly through Global and District grants.
Check here for more on the Foundation.
How Have We at North Balwyn Seen the Work of the Foundation ?
  1. Received District Grants for recent Club Projects to: provide a container of medical supplies to Sri Lanka & for an education program for village girls in Laos.
  2. Funding our current Year 11-12 Schooling Scholarship at Balwyn High School
  3. Funding the new Rotary Centenary Playground on the Yarra; a project for our cluster.
  4. Enabling our Club to recognise people’s contribution to the Club and to Rotary via Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) recognitions.
  5. Funding International Peace Fellow & Global Grant scholarships in our District.
How Do We at North Balwyn Support the Foundation ?
  1. The Club makes a contribution each year to the Foundation’s Annual Fund.
  2. The Club supports the annual Foundation Business Breakfast and the End Polio Walk.
  3. Many Club Members make individual contributions at different $ levels, and several have received PHF recognitions that reflect the generous levels of financial support they have provided to the Foundation.
Rob Head
Foundation Director